Mahesh Tea


Historical Backgroud

Today the group is showing strong presence through 100 authorized dealer – distributors, Malls & servicing above 6,000 outlets directly across Gujarat.


COMMENCED business In

COMMENCED business in the form of Partnership in the year 1951 by Mr. Shankarlal Patel, carried on for 25 years as a Whole Seller of Tea.

Brand Mahesh Tea introduce

STARTED first Retail outlet in Mehsana under the name “MAHESH TEA” in 1975. This was the beginning of the brand “MAHESH TEA”.
1984 – 1995

Introduction of Mahesh tea packet

Introduction of Mahesh tea packet and rural promotion vans expands distribution and makes Mahesh tea one of the most popular brands across North Gujarat. MAHESH TEA” having established and became acceptable to the consumers, INCORPORATED a Company MAHESH TEA PROCESSORS & PACKERS LIMITED and carried on business in a Company form

Prasiddhi Tea

Prasiddhi Tea introduce in Gujart market with Good quality in low price, which is the best tea in lower segment as well as rural market.

Rejuvenating Digital Presence

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Entered in to Modern Trade

Buying behavior is been changed, major buyers are buying their essential items from mall, super store, etc. company also entered in to Modern trade business with support from india’s top leading mall chain D-mart, Reliance Retail , etc.

The Growth Trend ....

Production capacity of 100 tons per annum in 1984 when it started its manufacturing lines has increased to 2000 tons per annum. Mahesh Tea now ranks amongst top five tea company in the Gujarat with its safe market in north Gujarat reaching to over millions of families.

The growth is achieved for the “Giving  consumer right product at right time as well as right place” which the company is pursuing since  its inception. The brand MAHESH TEA enjoys the largest market share in Gujarat due mainly to its effective reach to the users, economic pricing & quality consciousness. Today over millions of cups of Mahesh tea are consumed every month

As per our quality policy we maintain all the hygiene standards to deliver safe & healthy product.


To follow a rich tradition of serving people ad enhancing their joy with quality tea



  • To serve quality tea to the tea lovers
  • To enter into a Global Branded Tea Market


The financial strength as improved during the last 5 years stand as under:

  • The levels of Inventory, Receivables and Creditors now rank as the fittest ones to give the best Rating by the financing bank.

The TRENDS and reincarnation of financially disciplined status of the company is befitting to the trend and pace of Globalization of today’s Indian market.


Company delivers to the market various type of Products.  The prime  products are Premium Quality Pack and Economic Pack.  Packing ranges from Re.1/- pack for a common fellow to a family pack of 1 Kg and are available in Re.1/-, Rs. 2/-, 50 gm, 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm, 1 kg family pack and also Jar Pack The whole range  of societal profile is entertained.


Company purchase raw material like Raw Tea  from upper Assam, Doors via Broker, directly from Tea Gardens, as per usual practice of Auction on the spot. Company at all times preferred and continues to purchase quality tea only to suite to its motto.


Company has installed the state of the art manufacturing process with its machines to produce the quality MAHESH TEA for its Good Morning consumers.

Tea Blending :

Company has a blending machine.  It helps get good quality with fresh aroma, untouched human hand, premium quality

Management & Professional Approach

Strong management team with 500 + Employees in the factory for the best test ..



SHANKARLAL PATEL, Chairman has the market standing and business standing of over five decades and is the pioneer in tea business in North Gujarat.  The art of quality  tea testing and Mr. Patel is the owner of the key element of testing of tea. As an experienced taster he can identify the garden, ambient conditions of the plucking day and can even suggest adjustments in the manufacturing process. As a taster he uses his sharp sense of sight, smell, touch and taste while judging the quality of tea. He has an in-depth knowledge about the prevailing market conditions, consumer preferences and manufacturing techniques. According to him, tasting of tea is a refined art which encompasses a large number variables. Because of his ability, practice, hardworking, & experience he has became successful & reputed person in the industry.




Director -:

DHARMESH PATEL, Director  is the person of marketing since 1995, He is a widely travelled professional with rich and varied experience in the marketing and production of tea. He plays a key role in developing the Company.



MBA -:

PINKESH PATEL, MBA, inducted in the Board has made a sea change in the management and performance of the Company.  Having raised the strength of the company in varied facets, he is eying on inclusion of NEW PRODUCTS which he finds can be successfully included in the basket without any additional financial burden on the Company. He provides professional approach to the company and dynamic man full of youthful vigour required by the today’s business stalwarts and plans the strategies of marketing, production and new products. Absorption and transmission of business ethics, strategies, experiences, launch of products etc into ground realities on professional lines.

Experienced Seniors and Young blood is now on the Board of the Company provide a prefect match and blend to the management, all qualified and experienced in their respective areas.

EXPORTS are considered as the top priority to make Company grow Horizontally as also Vertically.


Some of Facts About us

Years Experiance
0 +
Cups in a day
0 +
0 +
0 +